I never cease to amaze myself! At a baseball tourney this summer Caleb had to make a pit stop. I asked him 1 or 2. He said 1 so I elected Brock to take him the rest room. Brock comes back and said Caleb did more in the potty than he was willing to deal with do so I head to the potties. Of course Brock had Caleb in the men's room. As brave as I could opening the men's door I shouted "I'm comin' in." the only reply was from Caleb, "I pooped". I went in and quickly finished our business and out the door we go. Luckily at that time, no one came in. A little while later, I myself had to powder my nose, so off I head to the bathrooms. I mindlessly went into overdrive and headed to the last pooper I visited. I walk through the door and there is a man standing there peeing. Oh ship! holy crap! I just walked into the men's room. I kept my cool, said my apologies and left him about his work. He said, "no problem," I turn around and head for the girls room like it did that kind of thing all the time.
Sound like something my mom would do.....that is HILLARIOUS!
Hi Kim,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a nice comment on my blog! And congratulations on your first triathlon---it's such a great sport, I hope you're hooked!
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