At my house I don't have the priviledge of privacy. We have had a little people in our house for too long. I always have a constant companion. When I do the laundry, someone's in my basket. When I do dishes, someone's in my dishwasher. When I use the bathroom, I usually have someone sitting on my lap. There are boundaries when you have a toddler.
The same basic rule applies as a mother. No boundaries. I am called to serve in any condition and under any circumstance. This especially applies to the bathroom. I don't need a bathroom pass. Most of the time there is never any forethought as someone enters the bathroom. They just rely on me to come through for them. Mom, I need soap, I need a towel, I need TP.
I always walk in the bathroom regardless of what type of activity is going on in there to give or retreive supplies.
Unfortunatley everyone that uses our bathroom, doesn't live here. And some of those people forget about the toddler factor, so it's always a shocker if they get interupted.
I was pulling up carpet in our basement on Saturday and was getting ready to clean the tile underneath. As I'm heading for the bathroom, I hear the door shut. I didn't think twice about going in there and grabbing cleaning supplies.
I start to open the door. It is pushed shut.
I open the door again. It is pushed shut. The only one that doesn't want me in potty with them is Shane. I just assume it is him. This time before I try again, I tell him I just want the cleaning towel above his head. Open the door, it shuts. what the heck? I tell him I just need the towel. Door shuts. I decided I was going to try one more time before I cussed him out. I try and the door shuts as I hear, "It's Dick!"
I didn't even know he was visiting. I can only imagine his horror, trying to keep me out of the bathroom. He was so startled by me trying to come in there he couldn't even tell me who he was.
All I could do was walk away laughing. I felt so bad, for at least a second. I could only imagine how awkward he must have felt. The kicker, the toilet keeps running it that bathroom. So instead of fixing it, we just turn the water on and off when needed. Of course, if I didn't know he was here, so I didn't have a chance to tell him. He had to come and find me and ask me how to flush the toilet. I had tears streaming down my face at this point. After I stopped laughing, I told him sorry and gave him flushing instructions.
This could have all been avoided I he would have just handed me the towel. I need to send Cooper over to spend more time with Grandpa.